Monday, July 16, 2012

Some Campers

Since I'm not really doing anything else right now I thought I might say a little bit about my kids. But not their names of course :) We aren't allowed to have favorites but there are def some that I love seeing everyday no matter what kind of day I'm having. One such camper who has definitely captured my heart is called "Prince Charming." He's a little stinker and never likes to follow directions and is stubborn and always says that he hates everything and everyone, but he's so funny and he has the prettiest eyes and he likes me too and always says "hi" whenever he sees me. And I'm pretty sure he knows he's one of my favorites too because he definitely pushes a lot to try and get away with things that he knows SAC staff would not tolerate at all. He's knows me too though, and when I'm serious he'll stop which I appreciate. His sister goes to camp too and she has started to hang around me sometimes but she is a little bit of a crybaby.
Another "non-favorite" is "Buzz Lightyear."He's not in my group but he's so funny and another stinker as well. He likes to cause trouble and already has a huge sense of sarcasm. One day in the morning when I was just getting in to work he calls me over to the doors of the front gym where all our pictures and bios are posted. I ask him what he's doing and he tapes this piece of construction paper on mine that says "kiss me." Oh boy... I was laughing and I just told him to take it off. The next time I walked by the bios it wan't there.
Then there's "Mulan." She is so funny but not in my group either. She is Japanese and we call her and her other three friends the Charlie's Angels because they are always together. They switch off between Japanese and English all the time and she is like their little ringleader. For some reason she was attracted to me from the very beginning and still likes to hang out all the time.
And of course there is "Snow White." She is an only child but really does not have the "only child syndrome." She is the sweetest little girl I was ever met and is always happy and smiling and trying to do the right thing. Her parents both speak at least two languages and are trying to push her to do the same. She's a little bit shy but loves just dancing and singing all over. I'm so happy I was able to get to know her and her mom better over the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've got your hands full. :) I'm sure you're having a great time though, despite the "stinkers."
