Monday, July 16, 2012

Abused by the Seawall

The last week went by super fast. Our only field trip was to the Commissary which was kind of random. The center split the field trip into three different group. The first day groups 1 and 2 went. Then 3 and 4 and 5. Then 6, 7, and 8. It really wasn't too exciting. We went into the Commissary and then they took us into the back. They showed us around the refrigerator and then took us through this freezing cold freezer. The lady showing us the place put on her nice warm jacket but all the kids just had on their t-shirts and were freezing! And she talked forever too. There are at least 3 kids that I know of that have had fevers within the week of going there. She showed us this dead pig that they had ordered too and for some reason she really needed to stress the point that it was dead. I really don't think the kids needed to see that. At the end of the tour though they gave us popsicles so that was nice :)
On friday one of our coworkers took my friend Keleigh (Peach) and I to get our nails done at this popular nail salon called Coco's. It was around 40 yen but so worth it. We got like a 20 min massage and they had so many options as far as designs. Plus you could change the backround color if you liked the design and not the color. They even gave you this delicious tea with refills! We were there for about an hour and a half and then our coworker, Mrs. Sondra, offered to take us to dinner. We accepted of course and we went back to pick up her husband at their house and see their dogs before going to a restaurant called the Four Seasons. It was kind of expensive but they gave you a three course meal! First there was this really good corn soup, then a salad, and then they cooked our meal right in front of us! The meal came with two sides as well. It was delicious and we took pictures with the cook that made it :)
The next day two of our coworkers Jack and Jess wanted to take us snorkeling at the seawall. Ryan from ziplining came with us too. We got there and there are these huge stone concrete steps leading down to the water. The water was kind of choppy but we were all excited to go in. I guess I wasn't thinking or something but I was just casually walking down the steps trying to get my snorkeling gear ready and near the bottom it got slippery where the slime started from the water being on the steps all the time. I was wearing my flip flops and slipped and fell hard on my butt and my right arm. I scraped my hand on a barnacle and scrapped up my arm and my legs too. There were these grates on the concrete to let the water back into the ocean that I had to grasp on to in order to not get swept out. After that I sat on the steps for a while to try and get my courage back. When I thought about getting up again to see if I wanted to get back in a wave came and knocked me off my feet again. After that there was no way I was going to get back into the water. My roommate Megan and I, who saw me fall, decided that instead of going in the water we would take a look around and see what else there was around the seawall. We ended up walking down it for a while and then sat and watched some surfers for a bit until we decided it was getting too hot and we wanted to go back for drinks and towels. We walked back but by that time the others had gotten tired and we decided to drive to this beach that wasn't too far away. It was really nice and a lot easier to get into the water. I still didn't go in. At that point I was not in the mood any more. Cari, Ryan, and I walked around for a while and then we came back and we all went to dinner at Coco's Curry. Then we split up because some people wanted to see the fireworks that were at Sunset Beach in American Village and others wanted to go to a club in Naha with some other people  from Camp who were staying there for the weekend. I went with the ones to Naha and we got ready real quick and then headed out. It was kind of expensive to get in but once you were in you could get free drinks and the atmosphere was really cool. We got there right when it opened though so there was nobody there. We ended up all dancing together and I felt like one of "those stupid Americans" but it was fun so whatever. Just as it started to get hoppin' though we had to leave because we had to be back for curfew at 1.
On Sunday I got adopted by one of the girls called "Snow White in my small group. Her mom picked up my director Trevor (Mr. Mario) and I and they signed us on to Kadena. Kadena is an Air Force base and one that we cannot get onto by ourselves. It is also the largest base on Okinawa and the only one that has these shirts that everyone wants that say "OKI ALL DAY" on them. We looked around forever at the BX and were just about to leave when we found then in a section to the side. I was so excited and got two for me and one for Megan. Before that they took us to the Chili's on base and bought both of us lunch. It was so nice of them and her mom even offered to buy us groceries after she found out all we ate were microwave meals because we didn't really have anything else. It was amazing and "Snow White" was so excited when she picked us up in the morning. We got back around 330 or 4 and I was so tired and ended up taking a much needed nap. After that was another Camp meeting full of programming for this next week...

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