Monday, June 18, 2012

Okuma and first day of Camp

For our first weekend one of POC's was able to take us and get us in to a resort owned by the Air Force . It was called Okuma and it was one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever been too. The sand was white and the were many pieces of coral scattered everywhere. We had to be up at 6 so that we could be on our way by 7 and then were able to spend the rest of the day there until about 5. It was a lot of fun and I was able to go jet skiing and banana boating which were both super fun. I got thrown off the banana boat once and at first it was kind of fun until I stated freaking out and thinking "Shark attack! shark attack! shark attack!" lol. There was one restaurant open when we were there but it wasn't badly priced and the food was great! After a long day about every single one of us came back sunburnt and some worse than others. It was worth it though until the next day...
The next day I woke up feeling slightly sluggish and just laying around all day. I thought that it might have been because of the heat but I took some airborne and vitamins anyways. That night was horrible. I felt like the sheets were as corse as possible and were rubbing against all of my sunburns and I could hardly sleep at all. Today I woke up with a running nose and my entire body felt hot and I was exhausted. It didn't help that today was the start of Camp as well. My nose was running all day and I kept having to leave to go get kleenex. I was also operating on like 4 hours of sleep and then crazy kids on top of that. I programming was all over the place as well because we were trying to merge both the Camp programming and the programming that the Center wants to be added as well. Today was super unorganized and we had to do a lot of improvising but it seemed to go well for the most part. I am so excited to get to know my kids and start having the real Camp Adventure experience. Although we may not even be having Camp tomorrow because of the typhoon that is supposed to be coming in. We were able to get phones today and while walking back from the PX one of my coworkers and I were having a very hard time trying to keep our umbrellas from turning inside out. It felt like we were in one of those funny movies trying desperately not to fly away but without success. Hopefully my cold clears up soon because I hate being miserable and sick. Well, ta ta for now.

1 comment:

  1. Banana boating? You'll have to elaborate. Sounds like some sort of perilous contraption. Haha, sunburns are always more intense than first perceived. Slather on the sunscreen! Though, I suppose it's more difficult to get burnt on top of an already existing burn...right? XD Umbrella, ooooo...that's something I need to pack.
