Thursday, June 14, 2012

First few days on base :)

Okay this is probably going to be very long because I haven’t been able to get a lot of access to internet since we have been here. But here everything is now :) And hopefully I’ll be able to write a little bit more frequently so posts don’t get this long.
The airplane ride to Oki was pretty fun actually. Had to get there at 5 in morning though so I had to be up super early. Met a bunch of Camp people and then had a pretty uneventful ride to the Seattle Tacoma airport. Hung out for about 5 hours there and met up with some more Camp people as well. When we were able to board I got a window seat! Yay! Next to me was this girl and I was excited because I thought she was Japanese and I would be able to talk to her about Japan. After about 10 min I found out she was actually an exchange student from China who had been staying in Spokane. She told me her name was Crystal and we were able to talk a lot during the plane ride which was fun :) She was funny and very sarcastic and seemed like a typical teenager. I also found out she was only a junior in high school. I thought it was really brave of her to go off on her own for 10 months but she kept talking about how much she wanted to be independent from her parents lol.
After we got off the plane we had to catch another one in Tokyo to Okinawa. I sat next to this middle-aged guy names Mitch who was in the Navy and flying to Okinawa so that he could catch another plane to get onto his ship. He was super nice and he told me all about the different stuff he does and some good places to go in Japan because he had been stationed here for 15 years! It was really neat, he even had videos of airplanes landing on a ship that he showed me. Turns out he was from the Bay Area! Fresno I think :)
Today apparently we got in trouble for being too loud and messy. For Camp we have to make a bunch of posters and stuff and the only place we have to do it right now is in the hallway of our housing. There are some air force guys staying here too right now though and I guess one of them complained about the noise we make and stuff being all over the hallways that we should be cleaning up. I understand them not liking all the mess but they are only going to be here a few more days anyways. I guess a guy was upstairs using our laundry room too and there aren’t supposed to be any men on this floor so our PD got in a little tiff with him. An MP ended up coming over and talking to one of our PC’s so we’ll see what happens.
Since we got here we have just basically been going to a lot of meetings and painting a lot of posters. I’m on the list for potentially driving in Okinawa for this summer so me and about 10 others have to take this driving course today and tomorrow. I’m super nervous cause we actually have to drive these huge vans around for our test and my site might not even have a car. We still have not been able to go off base because we don’t have any phones yet and our PC’s want to have a way to be able to contact us. I just got internet today too and I didn’t realize how convenient it would be. That’s all for now. Hopefully nothing super bad happens to us after the MP incident.


  1. It was great to read about your trip and the people you've been meeting! Another exciting adventure for Tess Deguchi. Love you lots.

  2. Haha oooooo tessie getting in trouble with the MPs already? Sheesh. haha just kidding. That's typical. Military guys like to whine when things dont go their way :P

    Good luck on the driving thing. Did you have to drive on the left side of the road? Was it weird? At least you probly won't have to drive for the rest of the summer. Sounds like you are having fun so far. Rock camp next week! ;)


  3. Tess!
    I'm a little late jumpin' on the bandwagon this time, but sounds like your trip this time around is off to a suspiciously interesting start. I'm still jetlagged from China, but I guess this is as good time as any to peruse through your awesome adventures. I'll live vicariously through your tales on the island of Okinawa. :D
    - Ding
